New Year, New You? Yawn - we hear it every year don't we, but how many of us actually make the changes we know are necessary to get fit and healthy. Yes, it's easy to commit to get fit, when we're sitting around, feeling a little fed up of the festive season. But what about that first day back to work? Can you make the sacrifice and skip that mid-morning snack? Take the stairs instead of the elevator? And what about your rowing machine? If you're a regular user, what more can you do in 2013 to get fitter? Or is yours sitting neglected in the corner, folded up with your clothes hanging from it? I've seen so many rowers just like this! So how about making 2013 the year when you achieve you fitness goals. If you're currently rowing on a regular basis, see 'The Next Level' - below. But if you're coming back to rowing after a break, take it easy. Don't feel you need to row for 30 minutes flat out - you'll injure yourself and won't be able to row for at least a week! Spend the few few days re-acquainting yourself with your machine. Check your technique, do a few slow, short sessions and then build up slowly.
The Next Level
If you're an intermediate or advanced rower, what can you do to achieve more in 2013? Of course you'll still need to vary your workouts to avoid plateauing (i.e, getting decreasing returns on your training). So why not make this year more challenging with pyramid and high intensity training sessions. As an advanced rower, you're more likely to be interested in performance than fat-loss, so HIT, pyramids and wattage training are ideal for developing speed, stamina and strength. These vigorous sessions will force your body to adapt to the stresses and strains you place upon your muscles and cardiovascular system. Obviously, you'll still have to be wary of over-training and injury, but you should already be knowledgeable enough about your body and your sport to be able to manage this,
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AuthorRoy Palmer is an athletics coach, teacher of The Alexander Technique and a rowing fanatic. Archives
August 2020