Tabata Wattage Rowing Workouts
You may have noticed your rowing machine console displays a Watts readout. This is a measurement of your power output and shows just how hard you’re working. The resistance level and stroke rate you’re working at will determine the watts readout. A person of average fitness can generate around 1.35 watts per pound. Elite athletes can manage around 2.7.
For example, a man weighing 200lbs of average fitness can produce 270 watts. On a rowing machine you can use your weight to generate power, so a heavier person of the same fitness level as a lighter person, would have the advantage on the river.
The workout below is based on watts and is known as the Tabata Wattage Interval Workout.
Tabata workouts are named after its founder, Izumu Tabata. His research showed athletes using high intensity interval training (HIT) improved both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems with short, but challenging workouts.
Tabata training sessions can be devised for all types of fitness equipment, and work especially well on rowing machines.
For example, a man weighing 200lbs of average fitness can produce 270 watts. On a rowing machine you can use your weight to generate power, so a heavier person of the same fitness level as a lighter person, would have the advantage on the river.
The workout below is based on watts and is known as the Tabata Wattage Interval Workout.
Tabata workouts are named after its founder, Izumu Tabata. His research showed athletes using high intensity interval training (HIT) improved both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems with short, but challenging workouts.
Tabata training sessions can be devised for all types of fitness equipment, and work especially well on rowing machines.
You’ll need your calculator for this one. These types of workout are great for developing your power that in turn, will improve your performance in all the other workouts.
This is a short 4 minute workout building up your watts with each interval. To calculate the wattage for each step, use your body weight in pounds and add 10% for each interval. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs, this would be your workout with the formula:- WATTAGE=BODY WEIGHT + 10% (eg. 150 + 15 = 165 watts) The following is based on a rower weighing 150 lbs. Step Workout (time / watts) #1 Warm-up – 5 mins easy rowing #2 20 secs at 165 – 10 secs rest #3 20 secs at 182 – 10 secs rest #4 20 secs at 200 – 10 secs rest #5 20 secs at 220 – 10 secs rest #6 20 secs at 242 – 10 secs rest #7 20 secs at 266 – 10 secs rest #8 20 secs at 293 – 10 secs rest #9 20 secs at 322 – 10 secs rest Cool-down – 3 mins easy rowing If this is too challenging, start at a wattage level of 60% of your body weight and add 5% for each interval. Once you can manage the workout above, increase each interval by 15%, then 20%. You can read more about Tabata workouts in a great article by Eddie Eastwood at X Boom Fitness. |
** Click video for more info **
The session above is an example of a workout from my book 'The Complete Rowing Machine Workout Program' .
You can download it for your Kindle, Tablet or SmartPhone from Amazon. For further information, please click on the image to the right.
You can download it for your Kindle, Tablet or SmartPhone from Amazon. For further information, please click on the image to the right.